Wastewater Irrigation

Wastewater irrigation presents challenges that are not faced by conventional irrigators. For one – the water keeps coming every day of the year – rain or shine. Then there are technical and regulatory issues that must be addressed like  nutrient loading or proximity to dwellings or groundwater.

We have been irrigating with wastewater since the 1980’s.

We don’t claim to have all of the answers but a lot has been learned in the last 30 years of dealing with these challenges. This experience and knowledge is used to help our customers avoid some of the problems associated with wastewater irrigation.

We assist our customers to design,build and operate systems. We sometimes own and operate the systems under a build. own, operate and transfer (BOOT) arrangement. [see case histories]

There is a lot that goes into developing wastewater irrigation systems and we can assist or handle all of the details including:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Concept design
  • Permitting
  • Contracting with landowners and water producers
  • Detailed design
  • Land preparation
  • Construction
  • Commissioning
  • Operations and maintenance of irrigation infrastructure
  • Management of the farming operation

 Case histories

Three decades of wastewater irrigation – Dodge City

Perry Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

Bow and Arrow Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

Badger Creek Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

Dutch Creek North Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

Ford Ranch Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

Headgate Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

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